How to Connect With Your Body’s Wisdom: The Path to Finding and Healing Your Core Wounds


Navigating the Healing Journey

Do you ever feel like you’re endlessly repeating the same painful patterns no matter how hard you try to change? Even when you feel like you’ve made some progress in your life, sometimes these difficult patterns keep resurfacing and we might wonder, “What am I doing wrong?” 

Well, true healing involves understanding the roots of our pain by delving deep into the hidden corners of the subconscious where our deepest wounds reside. This journey demands more than just time and surface-level attention; it requires a raw and honest look at your past, an unwavering commitment to self-compassion, and the bravery to face emotions that you’ve long avoided. Healing is a wild, unpredictable ride full of triumphs and setbacks, but it’s the only path to true freedom and lasting transformation—and it can’t be done alone.

Gently Uncovering Your Deepest Wounds

Core wounds (also known as attachment wounds) are deep-seated emotional injuries that shape our beliefs, behaviors, and relationships. They often stem from early childhood experiences and can manifest as feelings of inadequacy, fear of abandonment, or lack of trust in others. Bringing gentle awareness to our wounds is crucial for healing, and it involves recognizing and acknowledging our pain without judgment, allowing ourselves to fully feel and process these painful emotions. The only real way we can do this is by connecting with our body’s inherent wisdom. 

You see, we store what are called implicit memories in our bodies which are the subconscious imprints of our past experiences. Unlike explicit memories, which can recall events and articulate them, implicit memories manifest through our automatic responses and our bodily sensations. They reside in our heart, belly, tissues, and muscles emerging as gut reactions, physical tension, or emotional activation in response to certain events, people, or situations. 

Accessing and understanding our implicit memories holds the key to unraveling long-standing patterns and unresolved traumas that shape our present-day lives. By connecting with our subconscious imprints, we can begin to rewire our emotional responses and nurture a greater sense of self-awareness and well-being.

Healing With Safe People

Many believe that healing is a solitary journey, but this is a misguided notion. Healing is not something we do in isolation. Trying to heal on your own can lead to feelings of confusion and overwhelm. It’s only through the support of others that we find the strength to face our deepest fears and wounds. A supportive community offers a mirror to our experiences, validating our feelings and helping us see our growth.

It’s essential to have safe people who you can share your journey with and receive compassionate support from. Whether it’s through a therapist or a counselor, support groups, or a trusted friend or family member, connecting with others who have the ability to hold space for you without judgment so you can get in touch with any painful emotions that arise while you connect with your implicit memories, will provide the container needed to witness and process them to completion.

The Path to True Healing

When we start to understand how memory works, we can heal the pain and suffering that is happening now by listening to the wisdom the body is sharing. Each sensation has a story—each painful experience that we feel on repeat likely is something our body remembers from before. Becoming embodied—becoming conscious—means understanding how your body speaks to you, listening in new ways, and bringing those experiences to people who can hold the experience with you. This is how we truly heal.

It’s not always easy finding these safe people who you can be vulnerable with. In fact, it’s one of the most challenging things to do, especially if we’re used to trying to solve all our problems on our own. If you’re in need of a supportive, compassionate space to take your healing to the next level, I would love for you to consider joining our live cohort, developed specifically with these principles in mind. 

Healing Core Wounds & Codependency is a safe, intimate container where a small group of others on a similar path are joined by me, Jessica Baum, LMHC, to uncover your early attachment wounds and hold space for you while you heal them. I’d love for you to join me in my next cohort. Click here to learn more.

Jessica Baum