Posts tagged brain chemicals
Is it Limerence or Love?

Many of us, thanks to society, have a skewed idea of what love should look and feel like. We’ve seen Disney movies where the prince comes to save the day, and they live happily ever after. For people with an anxious attachment, this possibility of a fantasy-like relationship can often lead us down the road of building a relationship off of limerence instead of love. You cling to the idea that someone is coming to save you so you never have to be alone again.

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Dopamine and the High of New Love

Can it last? Do you want it to last?

Do you remember your first love? The first time you fell head over heels for someone and those feelings were returned? Chances are you could think about little else. You felt as if you’d met your soulmate, your one true love. You were certain no one else had ever felt that way and that your love would last forever.

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