Posts tagged depression
Why do the Holidays Feel Like They're on Repeat?

It’s the month of celebrations with all of the different holidays that are awaiting us. Even the songs on the radio tell us that it’s “the most wonderful time of the year!” However, for many people, the holiday season can bring on anxiety and depression. Why? For a newly single person, it can mean days spent answering unwanted questions

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Instead of Another New Year’s Resolution, Try These Three Relationship Boosters

Let me start off with an unpopular opinion: It’s time to try something other than a New Year’s resolution. Perhaps we abandon this ideology altogether (I warned you it would be unpopular). Before you tune me out, just hear me out…

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A Human Doing Versus a Human Being: Give the Gift of Your Presence

“Human being” is all about being present. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re tired, sleep. Or when you’re with your partner, be with them fully.

While it may be easy to talk about, “human being” is no easy task… From our careers to our social lives, we humans have done a very good job of becoming busy bodies.

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