Posts tagged relationship coaching
Ghosting in the Digital Age: What’s Really Happening When You Get Ghosted (Or Choose to Ghost Someone Else)

In our digital age, connecting with others has never been easier. The online space offers endless opportunities for interaction and intimate communication. But despite these possibilities, setting healthy boundaries with others can become really confusing as to how to create the space your body needs to feel safe when communicating with others.

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Breaking the Cycle: Steps to Create a Secure Connection in the Anxious-Avoidant Dance

Oh, the anxious-avoidant dance. This relationship often seems doomed to fail, but that isn’t always the case (although, sometimes, it is, and that’s okay too). While we know that no relationship is perfect (because no one is perfect), the anxious-avoidant partnership is a little more complicated.

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Projection in Relationships: How to Communicate Effectively and Avoid Misunderstandings

Have you ever found yourself in a situation where you felt misunderstood or like your partner was projecting or pushing their own feelings onto you? Projection in relationships can be a common source of conflict and can lead to misunderstandings, hurt feelings, and bring an end to relationships.

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What it Means to “Do The Work” and the Healing Journey

Our culture likes us to be problem solvers and fixers. When we see something wrong on the outside, we rush to find a solution for it. Maybe you don’t like the way you look, so you go on a diet. Or you might be unhappy with your relationship, so you automatically think that you didn’t find “the one.”

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Why do the Holidays Feel Like They're on Repeat?

It’s the month of celebrations with all of the different holidays that are awaiting us. Even the songs on the radio tell us that it’s “the most wonderful time of the year!” However, for many people, the holiday season can bring on anxiety and depression. Why? For a newly single person, it can mean days spent answering unwanted questions

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The Science Behind the Pain of Rejection

When a meaningful relationship ends, we say our heart is broken. When someone we love deceives us, we say we’ve been stabbed in the back. That’s because rejection of any kind, especially from someone we care for, is a painful experience.

Of course, when our partner leaves us, they aren’t physically breaking our heart in half… And when our friend lies to us, they aren’t actually plunging a knife into our backs (let’s hope).

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While Hyper-Independence Is Glamorized, It’s Not the Antidote for Healing

Humans have a biological need for community, support, and connection… And that starts from birth. We form these healthy attachments based on the ability to trust that our needs will be tended to. The more we can depend and trust as a youngster, the more we actually learn how to be interdependent and secure as an adult.

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Why Many Anxiously Attached Individuals Are Struggling More to Get Back To Any Kind of Normalcy

For many, the last two-plus years have felt like trying to navigate through a nightmare, or some version of the Twilight Zone, where all of their deepest insecurities were glaringly impossible to run from. Throughout the pandemic, just about everyone has gone through one experience or another that felt like the ground was pulled out from underneath them.

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The Anxious-Avoidant Dance: How to Heal This Unhealthy Relationship Cycle

One steps forward, the other steps back. One explodes outward, leaving everything on the table, the other shuts down and pulls everything inward. These are the makings of what I call the anxious-avoidant dance.
As adults, we all have what’s called an attachment style. While different people may bring out different sides of us, we tend to be either anxious, avoidant, or secure.

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Why Your Relationship With Your Parents Still Impacts Your Adult Relationships

As humans, since the day of our birth, we are wired for connection.
As children, we rely on our caregivers for this connection. If our parents aren’t able to give us the love, affection, or means we need to feel safe in this world, we will adapt by choosing other ways of behaving to hopefully receive the feeling of connection we need.

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It’s Time to Say How You Feel: How the Past Can Plague Your Present Relationships

As humans, we are all born with the potential to love everything and everyone equally and unconditionally. Ideally, we are also able to trust that everyone loves us in the same way. But, of course, life experience teaches us that this is not necessarily the case.

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Instead of Another New Year’s Resolution, Try These Three Relationship Boosters

Let me start off with an unpopular opinion: It’s time to try something other than a New Year’s resolution. Perhaps we abandon this ideology altogether (I warned you it would be unpopular). Before you tune me out, just hear me out…

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A Human Doing Versus a Human Being: Give the Gift of Your Presence

“Human being” is all about being present. When you’re hungry, eat. When you’re tired, sleep. Or when you’re with your partner, be with them fully.

While it may be easy to talk about, “human being” is no easy task… From our careers to our social lives, we humans have done a very good job of becoming busy bodies.

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