Posts tagged toxic relationship
It’s Not “All in Your Head”: 3 Ways Your Partner’s Emotional Distancing Impacts Your Health

Has anyone ever told you your anxiety or stress is “all in your head?” If you’ve heard this before, it probably bothered you. And rightfully so! Because it’s just not true…

Stress, trauma, and anxiety all impact your nervous system… Which expands from your brain throughout your entire body.

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Anxiously Attached– The One Feeling You Need to Develop Deep Intimacy in Your Relationship

By today’s standards, most people think safe = boring. But when it comes to relationships, this couldn't be further from the truth…

Safety, in this sense, doesn’t mean bland. It means setting the space and allowing for healthy communication and freedom of expression within the relationship.

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The Anxious-Avoidant Dance: How to Heal This Unhealthy Relationship Cycle

One steps forward, the other steps back. One explodes outward, leaving everything on the table, the other shuts down and pulls everything inward. These are the makings of what I call the anxious-avoidant dance.
As adults, we all have what’s called an attachment style. While different people may bring out different sides of us, we tend to be either anxious, avoidant, or secure.

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Got Chemistry? 5 Signs You’re Actually Trauma Bonding

They give you the silent treatment for days without any reason why, then show up unannounced at your door with flowers. They berate you with insults and meanness, only to end the conversation with a sudden moment of kindness. While this may sound like the chemistry-ridden ebb and flow of an exciting relationship, it’s not… It’s actually what leads to “trauma bonding.”

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