Posts tagged intimacy
Ghosting in the Digital Age: What’s Really Happening When You Get Ghosted (Or Choose to Ghost Someone Else)

In our digital age, connecting with others has never been easier. The online space offers endless opportunities for interaction and intimate communication. But despite these possibilities, setting healthy boundaries with others can become really confusing as to how to create the space your body needs to feel safe when communicating with others.

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While Hyper-Independence Is Glamorized, It’s Not the Antidote for Healing

Humans have a biological need for community, support, and connection… And that starts from birth. We form these healthy attachments based on the ability to trust that our needs will be tended to. The more we can depend and trust as a youngster, the more we actually learn how to be interdependent and secure as an adult.

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It’s Not “All in Your Head”: 3 Ways Your Partner’s Emotional Distancing Impacts Your Health

Has anyone ever told you your anxiety or stress is “all in your head?” If you’ve heard this before, it probably bothered you. And rightfully so! Because it’s just not true…

Stress, trauma, and anxiety all impact your nervous system… Which expands from your brain throughout your entire body.

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Anxiously Attached– The One Feeling You Need to Develop Deep Intimacy in Your Relationship

By today’s standards, most people think safe = boring. But when it comes to relationships, this couldn't be further from the truth…

Safety, in this sense, doesn’t mean bland. It means setting the space and allowing for healthy communication and freedom of expression within the relationship.

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Instead of Another New Year’s Resolution, Try These Three Relationship Boosters

Let me start off with an unpopular opinion: It’s time to try something other than a New Year’s resolution. Perhaps we abandon this ideology altogether (I warned you it would be unpopular). Before you tune me out, just hear me out…

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