Posts tagged core wound
It’s Not “All in Your Head”: 3 Ways Your Partner’s Emotional Distancing Impacts Your Health

Has anyone ever told you your anxiety or stress is “all in your head?” If you’ve heard this before, it probably bothered you. And rightfully so! Because it’s just not true…

Stress, trauma, and anxiety all impact your nervous system… Which expands from your brain throughout your entire body.

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The Anxious-Avoidant Dance: How to Heal This Unhealthy Relationship Cycle

One steps forward, the other steps back. One explodes outward, leaving everything on the table, the other shuts down and pulls everything inward. These are the makings of what I call the anxious-avoidant dance.
As adults, we all have what’s called an attachment style. While different people may bring out different sides of us, we tend to be either anxious, avoidant, or secure.

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Why Your Relationship With Your Parents Still Impacts Your Adult Relationships

As humans, since the day of our birth, we are wired for connection.
As children, we rely on our caregivers for this connection. If our parents aren’t able to give us the love, affection, or means we need to feel safe in this world, we will adapt by choosing other ways of behaving to hopefully receive the feeling of connection we need.

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It’s Time to Say How You Feel: How the Past Can Plague Your Present Relationships

As humans, we are all born with the potential to love everything and everyone equally and unconditionally. Ideally, we are also able to trust that everyone loves us in the same way. But, of course, life experience teaches us that this is not necessarily the case.

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